Bclc Keno

- Online Casino, Sports Betting, Lottery, And Legal ... - BCLC
- Keno To Go Georgia
- Bclc Keno Winning Nos
- Bclc Keno Winning Numbers
BCLC Head Office. Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. 74 West Seymour Street Kamloops, BC V2C 1E2. Tel: (250) 828-5500 Fax: (250) 828-5631. Play Keno online at PlayNow for a chance to win $200,000 with a new live draw every 3:30 minutes. Box 1080 Kamloops, BC V2C 6H2. Please sign the front of your ticket with your full signature and completely fill out the back of the original winning ticket (including name, address, and telephone number). Ensure that a daytime phone number is included as the Player Services department may need to contact you for further information. Play Responsibly — If you or someone you know has a gambling problem, call the Delaware Council on Gambling Problems Helpline: 1-888-850-8888 or visit DEProblemGambling.org. It's the Law — You must be 18 years of age or older to purchase Delaware Lottery tickets. You must be 21 years of age or older to play Video Lottery, Sports Lottery, Table Games and Internet Games.
Were you on Vancouver Island during spring break last year and bought a lottery ticket?
If you did, and you forgot about it, you could be sitting on $1 million.
BCLC revealed on Thursday how someone who bought the Lotto 6/49 ticket in the northern region of Vancouver Island on March 18, 2020 has still to come forward.
Their opportunity to claim the guaranteed million will expire in about six and a half weeks on March 18.

BCLC is encouraging players who purchased a ticket for the March 18, 2020 draw in that region to check their tickets for the winning numbers: 19117903-02.
Players can find the Guaranteed Prize Draw number displayed underneath the main set of six numbers and can check their tickets anytime on the BCLC Lotto! app here at BCLC.com .
The North Island region includes Alert Bay, Telegraph Cove, Port Hardy, Coal Harbour and Port McNeill, among other municipalities.

All lottery prize winners have 52 weeks from the draw date printed on their ticket to come forward to claim their prize and all tickets are valid for one year after the date of the draw.
The specific retail location where the winning lottery ticket was purchased, and the lottery winner’s name will be announced after the winner has come forward to claim the prize.
More information about how to claim a lottery prize is available here: https://lotto.bclc.com/claim-a-prize.html.
A Weekly Snapshot of the Top Lottery and Gaming News Stories
Vol. 85 No.7 - Monday November 12, 2018 |
Online Casino, Sports Betting, Lottery, And Legal ... - BCLC
Keno To Go Georgia
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Lotería de Río Negro Turns 40 Viedma Río Negro, Argentina (November 6, 2018) -- On November 6, 1978, 40 years ago, Lotería de Río Negro was put into operation by marketing the National Quiniela in 34 official agencies distributed in different parts of the provincial territory. On November 6, 1978, the Lotería de Río Negro for Obras de Acción Social began to market games of chance in the province. Although the agency had been formally created in the year '59, with the promulgation of Law 48 promoted by the Governor Edgardo Castello, its real and concrete operation began in `78 with the opening of 34 official agencies and the commercialization of the Quiniela.
Although modifications were made to Law 48 of the Province - which creates the Lottery - the entity and hierarchy of a public autarkic entity has always been maintained. Everything related to the commercialization of games of chance, collection and payment of prizes, have the guarantee of the Provincial State. Luis Ayestarán, the controller of the Lotería de Río Negro, said 'I am very grateful to all the personnel that form and was part of the Lottery, as well as to all the Agents and Agents of the Sales Network. Together we make this a great Lottery.” The Lottery staff remembers the first years when only the National Quiniela was commercialized. Back then, bets were taken manually. The agent had a checkbook - the notebook - with 20 tickets in four copies. On each ballot he wrote down the plays made by the bettor and he took the original. The rest was left by the agency. The bets were taken until a certain time and placed in timed urns that were in each location. The polls were programmed from the headquarters, and approximately half an hour before the lottery of the National Lottery, they closed automatically. Before the closing, the local agents had to deposit a package with all the books sold on the day. These ballot boxes were stored in police stations, or delegations in cases that existed. The ballot boxes were transported to the Headquarters in Viedma and the next day at the first hour the organism officials opened them, and kept the check-books with bets in the treasury, which were then worked by the staff. In those days, there were more than 100 employees who were dedicated to counting and adding bets sent from all points of the province, to then make the accounting of the agency. The control of the prizes was also done manually, that is, the employees at that time received the extract and had to control each coupon with the bets of the rionegrinos. SOURCE: Lotería de Río Negro. Lottery Doubles Starting Jackpot for Daily Carolina Cash 5 Draw Game RALEIGH, North Carolina (November 2, 2018) -- North Carolina’s popular daily draw game, Carolina Cash 5, is getting a makeover that will let people play for bigger and faster growing jackpots. Starting Sunday, the Cash 5 starting jackpot doubles from $50,000 to $100,000. Players will also see faster growing jackpots. Instead of the jackpot increasing by $3,000 if it isn’t won, now it will increase by at least $10,000. “These changes will create a more exciting state draw game for our players,” said Mark Michalko, executive director of the N.C. Education Lottery. “As we’ve seen with national games such as Powerball and Mega Millions, people enjoy playing for bigger and faster growing jackpots.”
The game will still cost $1 to play, but the range of numbers to choose from will move from 1-41 to 1-43. The odds of winning a Cash 5 jackpot will increase to 1 in 962,598. The overall odds of winning a prize will be 1 in 10.51. Lower tier prizes will now be a set amount. If you match four numbers, you win $250. “It’s important for us to keep our games exciting for players and make sure they offer prizes that people want,” Michalko said. “This allows us to stay competitive and continue to increase our returns to education in North Carolina.” Cash 5 drawings are conducted nightly at 11:22 p.m.. Players can buy tickets at any retail location or on the lottery’s website using Online Play. Cash 5 launched in October 2006. The highest Cash 5 jackpot on record is $1.7 million. Seventeen people split the prize in June 2017 . Ticket sales from draw games like Cash 5 make it possible for the lottery to raise more than $650 million a year for education. For details on how lottery funds have made a difference in all of North Carolina’s 100 counties, click on the “Impact” section of the lottery’s website. CONTACT: Kathleen Jacob, Phone: (919) 301-3620. SOURCE: N.C. Education Lottery press release. Delaware Lottery Announce Online Casino Gambling Now Live on Android Delaware Casinos are now offering iGaming on both iOS and Android devices Dover, DE (October 31, 2018) -- You can now take casino gambling on the go! The Delaware Lottery is pleased to announce that the Android app has arrived for all three Delaware Casino iGaming sites. Delaware players can now experience real-money online casino gambling on both iOS and Android devices.
Both mobile apps are available for download on each online Delaware Casino site: Delaware Park, Dover Downs Hotel & Casino, and Harrington Raceway & Casino. It only takes a few moments to download the app, register, deposit, and begin playing. With the touch of a button, users can enjoy great games like Black Jack, Roulette, Party Pigs, City Life, Panda Manga, and seven new jackpot games. The Android app is available for mobile devices over 3G, 4G and Wi-Fi connections. Users must keep in mind that they may be required to adjust settings to allow third-party apps. iGaming app users must be at least 21-years-old to play and located in Delaware. Now, whether you have iOS or Android, you can enjoy playing your favorite casino games on the move for real cash! About the Delaware Lottery: Since the start of operations in 1975, the Delaware Lottery has contributed nearly $5.2 billion to the state’s General Fund to help finance needed state services that benefit everyone in Delaware. The Lottery offers a variety of games: POWERBALL®, MEGA MILLIONS®, LOTTO AMERICA®, MULTI-WIN LOTTO, LUCKY FOR LIFE®, PLAY 3, PLAY 4, Keno®, iGaming and assorted Instant Games, Video Lottery, Sports Lottery and Table Games. Delaware Lottery game and promotional details are available at delottery.com, at licensed locations, and from the Lottery’s office in Dover. Winner Privacy is our Policy. The Delaware Lottery only publishes winner names with their consent. SOURCE: The Delaware Lottery press release. Holiday Scratch-Off Tickets in Kentucky Explode Out of the Gate LOUISVILLE, Kentucky (November 5, 2018) -- Early indicators show sales of Kentucky Lottery holiday Scratch-off tickets are heading to new heights. The family of games, including $1, $2, $5 and $10 tickets, first went on sale Saturday October 27th. In just six days, sales of the Holiday Gold family were up $2 million (or 48%) over sales of the holiday family issued in October 2017. And those holiday tickets launched in 2017 sold 60% more than holiday ticket offerings in Kentucky in 2016. All told, the Holiday Gold line accounted for $6.3 million in sales from 10/27 through 11/1. The $1 price point accounted for the largest percentage increase in sales, which was 84% (based on overall sales of $1.1 million, which is $504,900 more than the same price point last year). The largest dollar increase - $609,300 – was realized by the $10 price point, with sales of $2.1 million (a 41% increase). “The marketing efficiencies of a family of games, combined with enhanced POS and new prize payouts players really enjoy, have been a big boost to these games,” said KY Lottery President and CEO Tom Delacenserie. “By creating an event when we launch tickets called Big Money Monday, players know the newest games will be hitting the shelves. We saw tremendous activity on day one of sales, which means the excitement we create with these launches is really taking off.” “We haven’t even begun our holiday media support, and they’re already a resounding success,” said Delacenserie. The Kentucky Lottery has earned over $5.1 billion for the Commonwealth since 1989. KLC dividends pay for college scholarships, grants and literacy programs. Visit kheaa.com to find out more about grants and scholarships paid for by the KLC. For More Information CONTACT: Chip Polston, Jennifer Cunningham or Sara Westerman, T: (502) 560-1675. SOURCE: The Kentucky Lottery press release. Central Iowa Woman Claims $343.9 Million Powerball® Jackpot It is the Largest Lottery Prize Ever Won in Iowa CLIVE, Iowa (November 5, 2018) -- A central Iowa woman stepped forward Monday to claim a $343.9 million Powerball jackpot, the largest lottery prize won to date in Iowa. “I realize this is a life-changing moment,” Lerynne West of Redfield said as she claimed her prize at lottery headquarters in Clive. “I’m excited to share my winnings with family and friends, plan to purchase a new car, and look forward to a long vacation – or several. I also plan to give to the causes and organizations important to my family through our newly established Callum Foundation.” West’s ticket split the Powerball jackpot in the Oct. 27 drawing with a ticket purchased in New York City. Her half of the jackpot – the third-largest prize in the 26-year history of the game – is $343.9 million annuity, or $198.1 million lump-sum option. The New York ticket has yet to be claimed. West, 51, bought her jackpot-winning ticket at Casey’s, 425 Second St. in Redfield, a Dallas County community of about 830, where she recently bought a house. She was moving into her new home in late October and she and her sister stopped at Casey’s for pizza and coffee. While they were there, West bought an easy-pick Powerball ticket. She thought she put her ticket into her purse in her sister’s truck, but the jackpot-winning ticket for a time was misplaced – it rode around on the floor of that pickup for a time.
The day after the drawing, West got a text from a friend, asking if she had won the jackpot. She replied that she likely hadn’t, but she would check her ticket to see. When she couldn’t find her ticket, she called her sister, who found it in her truck. Her sister sent her a picture of the ticket and when West checked her numbers on the lottery website, she realized she’d won the jackpot. “I told my sister to get in her truck and get that ticket and get up here right now! And, drive slow,” West said with a laugh as she recalled that day. Later that day, West drove by the Casey’s store in Redfield and saw television crews setting up to do interviews there about the jackpot-winning ticket. “I watched them and smiled,” she said. Iowa Lottery CEO Terry Rich said it’s exciting to be a part of West’s story as Iowa’s ninth Powerball jackpot winner. “The fact that this jackpot was split by tickets in two very different settings – one in New York City and the other in a small rural town – goes to show what we’ve said so many times: You just never know where the next big winner will hit,” he said. “It also shows that Powerball is working the way it was intended, by giving people all across the country the chance to win prizes of all sizes, including the jackpot.” West worked for years in the insurance industry in the Des Moines area, but recently retired early after learning she’d won the lottery. She and her family are organizing the Callum Foundation, named after her grandson, Callum, who was born prematurely in April and lived just a day. The charitable foundation (www.callumfoundation.org) will be focused on making grants in the core areas of alleviating poverty and hunger; education; animal welfare; and veteran’s affairs. West said that once it is fully established, the Callum Foundation will begin accepting requests for help in 2019. “We have a board set up that will go over the requests and decide what is in the best interests of the Callum Foundation,” she said. “The whole thing of knowing when to pull together a team and work on these plans came from years of playing and daydreaming about winning the lottery. Then once it finally happens, it’s a whole new ballgame.” West has three adult daughters and six grandchildren, many of whom were with her at the lottery. She also comes from a large family, with seven siblings, some of whom also attended Monday’s event, along with their mom.
The jackpot-winning tickets in Iowa and New York both matched all six numbers selected in the Oct. 27 Powerball drawing to split that night’s $687.8 million grand prize. The winning numbers were: 8-12-13-19-27 and Powerball 4. The Power Play number was 3. Casey’s will receive a $10,000 bonus from the Iowa Lottery for selling the jackpot winning ticket at one of its stores. Powerball jackpot winners can choose to receive their prizes in annuitized payments over time or as a one-time, lump-sum payment. The New York and Iowa winners did not have to choose the same option. West chose to receive her winnings in a lump-sum payment. West’s jackpot-winning ticket was Iowa’s second big lottery winner during October. A Mega Millions® ticket purchased in Davenport won a $1 million prize in that game’s Oct. 23 drawing by matching the first five numbers but missing the Mega Ball. That $1 million prize remains unclaimed, as does a $1 million Powerball prize won in April in Nevada in central Iowa. Iowa’s eight previous Powerball jackpot winners are:
Prize Details Annuity Payments Totalling: $343.9 million The annuity total would be paid in 30 graduated payments over 29 years. Federal withholding of 24 percent and state withholding of 5 percent would be applied to each payment. Chosen To Receive As Lump-Sum Option Prize: $198.1 million Federal Withholding: $47.5 million (24 percent) State Withholding: $9.9 million (5 percent) After-tax prize: 140.6 million About the Iowa Lottery: Since the lottery's start in 1985, its players have won more than $4.2 billion in prizes while the lottery has raised more than $1.9 billion for state programs. Today, lottery proceeds have three main purposes in Iowa. They provide support for our state's veterans and their families through the Iowa Veterans Trust Fund; help for a variety of significant projects through the state General Fund; and backing for the Vision Iowa program, which was implemented to create tourism destinations and community attractions in the state and build and repair schools. For more information, CONTACT: Mary Neubauer, Iowa Lottery External Relations, T: 515-725-7906 or E: mneubauer@ialottery.com. SOURCE: The Iowa Lottery. Georgia Lottery Reaches $20 Billion Raised for Education ATLANTA, Georgia (November 6, 2018) -- The Georgia Lottery Corp. today announced that it has transferred a total of $20 billion for education to the state of Georgia since the lottery’s inception in 1993. Georgia Lottery President and CEO Gretchen Corbin presented Governor Nathan Deal with a ceremonial check in his office to mark the occasion.
“Now in its 25th year, the Georgia Lottery Corporation has made a significant difference for Georgia and in the lives of many of its citizens, as millions of students and their families have benefited from Georgia Lottery-funded HOPE Scholarships and Pre-K programs,” said Gov. Deal. “Thanks to the enduring quality of these programs, many students in Georgia will benefit from lottery funds twice, once at the beginning of their educational journeys as a Pre-K student, and again when seeking education beyond high school. The educational programs funded by the Georgia Lottery continue to lay the groundwork for Georgia’s evolving workforce and I congratulate all those who had a hand in bringing us to the $20 billion milestone, as they have helped to secure a brighter future for students in Georgia.” Since the Georgia Lottery began, more than 1.8 million students have benefited from HOPE programs, which include the HOPE Scholarship, HOPE Grant, Zell Miller Scholarship, Zell Miller Grant, HOPE GED Grant and HOPE Career Grant. Additionally, more than 1.6 million 4-year-olds have received a jumpstart on their education with high-quality, Georgia Lottery-funded Pre-K. “Our success directly impacts Georgia’s students and families, who benefit from the important educational programs that we fund,” Corbin said. “Reaching the $20-billion milestone is an achievement that all Georgians can celebrate.”
On average, the Georgia Lottery generates approximately $3 million every day for HOPE and Pre-K. The Georgia Lottery commemorated its 25-year anniversary in June. Since its first year, the Georgia Lottery Corp. has returned more than $20 billion to the state of Georgia for education. All Georgia Lottery profits go to pay for specific educational programs, including Georgia’s HOPE Scholarship Program and Georgia’s Pre-K Program. More than 1.8 million students have received HOPE, and more than 1.6 million 4-year-olds have attended the statewide, voluntary prekindergarten program. For more information on the Georgia Lottery Corp., please visit: www.galottery.com CONTACT: Tandi Reddick, Communications Director, Georgia Lottery Corp., Office: (404) 215-5062, Cell: (404) 323-4644, Email: treddick@galottery.org Find Media Relations online at: www.twitter.com/GALotteryPRpros SOURCE: Georgia Lottery Corp. press release. State Toto-Lotto GmbH Announce Lottery New Year's Eve-Millions with More Profits STUTTGART, Germany (November 5, 2018) -- More lots, opportunities and winnings: The New Year's Eve million lottery will be retreaded this year. The chance of a million-dollar win remains unchanged: it is not so high in any other match of the State Toto-Lotto GmbH. The lots of the ninth edition are now available exclusively in Baden-Württemberg.
05.11.2018 - 26 Baden-Württemberg have become millionaires thanks to the New Year's Eve lottery. On December 31, five lucky ones will be added, who can look forward to a profit of exactly €1 million each. In addition to the top goals, the extended winning plan includes six times €100,000, €1,275 1,000 and €62,500 ten. This is offset by an increased number of batches: Due to the recent large demand, there are now 1.25 million lots (previously: 1 million). The five million hits - more than ever before - keep the lottery's high probability of winning the top prize. As in previous years, it is 1 to 250,000 per lot. In the other ranks, more profits are invariably distributed. The lots are now available at the usual price of ten euros in the Baden-Württemberg Lotto acceptance points. The lottery is also available on the internet www.lotto-bw.de and the official Lotto BW app available. The gameplay principle of the New Year's Eve millions is simple: From the number range 0000001 to 1250000 a number is randomly determined and handed over to the tipper. Each lot number is awarded only once. If all lot numbers are in the race, the lottery is sold out. The cut-off time is at 2:00 pm on December 31st. The draw takes place under the supervision of notaries in the Stuttgart lottery headquarters. Lotto Baden-Württemberg will be releasing all lottery numbers on early New Year's Eve at www.lotto-bw.de. Total number of prizes and odds per lot:
SOURCE: Lotto Baden-Württemberg. The Canadian Gaming Association Welcomes NHL Partnership on Sports Betting to Provide a New Level of Fan Engagement TORONTO, Ontario (October 29, 2018) -- The Canadian Gaming Association (CGA) welcomes today’s announcement by the National Hockey League (NHL) on its first sports betting partnership with MGM Resorts International. The NHL’s decision to establish this partnership with the gaming industry in the United States will bring an exciting new level of engagement for NHL fans both in arenas and casino sports books across America.
The CGA welcomes this partnership and invites the NHL to work with Canada’s gaming industry to bring about the legislative changes necessary to offer this same level fan experience to Canada. Canada has had legal parlay sports wagering for decades. To remove the prohibition on single-event wagering, a simple amendment to repeal paragraph 207(4)(b) of the Criminal Code is required. Canadians are without question the world’s most passionate hockey fans and want new ways to engage with their favourite sport. By working cooperatively with Canada’s gaming industry, the NHL can make single-event sports wagering a reality for Canadian hockey fans. “This is an excellent example of the type of relationship the Canadian gaming industry is looking for with professional sports leagues”, said Paul Burns, President & CEO of the CGA. “We know that Canadians enjoy single-event sports betting because they are wagering approximately $14 billion annually through illegal channels. We invite the NHL to work with our gaming industry to bring about the changes required to realize the full economic potential of single-event sports wagering in Canada – and give Canadian fans the same experience as their US counterparts.” About the Canadian Gaming Association The Canadian Gaming Association (CGA) is a not-for-profit organization that works to advance theevolution of Canada’s gaming industry. The association’s mandate is to promote the economic value ofgaming in Canada; use research, innovation, and best practices to help the industry advance; and create productive dialogue among stakeholders. Visit www.canadiangaming.ca to learn more about the CGA and gaming in Canada. For further information please CONTACT: Paul Burns, Canadian Gaming Association, T: (416) 579-3922, E: pburns@canadiangaming.ca SOURCE: Canadian Gaming Association. Lotto24 Report Strong Third Quarter 2018
HAMBURG, Germany (November 7, 2018) -- In the third quarter of 2018, Lotto24 AG, Germany's leading online provider of state-run lotteries, continued to benefit from the strong development of the European lottery EuroJackpot in 2018 as a whole: billings rose 44.3% year on year to EUR 74.7 million (prior year: EUR 51.8 million), while revenues of EUR 8.7 million exceeded the corresponding prior-year figure by as much as 49.6% (prior year: EUR 5.8 million). Due in part to the positive trend in lotto clubs, the gross margin improved to 11.6% (prior year: 11.2%). At the same time, a further 90 thousand new customers were added (prior year: 55 thousand) with a cost per lead (CPL) of EUR 25.78 (prior year: EUR 30.97).
In the first nine months of 2018, Lotto24 thus generated total billings of EUR 235.9 million (prior year: EUR 164.6 million, +43.3%), revenues of EUR 28.1 million (prior year: EUR 18.8 million, +49.8%) and a gross margin of 11.9% (prior year: 11.4%). With 468 thousand new customers (prior year: 216 thousand), the total number of customers registered with Lotto24 rose by 36.3% to 2,041 thousand (prior year: 1,497 thousand). Due to the jackpot-related increase in marketing activities and the test run of comparatively more expensive TV commercials conducted in the first half of 2018, marketing expenses in the first nine months of 2018 rose to EUR 12.0 million (prior year: EUR 5.8 million). However, CPL of EUR 25.58 was down on the previous year (prior year: EUR 26.63). Thanks to the strong improvement in revenues, EBIT rose to EUR 2.2 million (prior year: EUR 0.5 million); due in particular to a positive technical tax effect of EUR 5.8 million in connection with the formation of deferred taxes, net profit amounted to EUR 7.8 million (prior year: EUR 1.3 million). For 2018 as a whole, the company now expects an increase in billings of 38% to 43%, further strong growth in new customers, and CPL on a par with the previous year. In addition, Lotto24 continues to expect a slight improvement in gross margin compared to the previous year. Depending on the further progress of external conditions - especially the jackpot trend - and marketing investments to attract new customers, both EBIT and net profit are expected to be well above the break-even mark. About Lotto24 AG: Lotto24 is Germany's leading provider of state-licensed lotteries via the Internet (Lotto24.de). Lotto24 brokers customers' tickets to the state lottery companies and the Deutsche Fernsehlotterie, for which it receives a commission. The offerings include among others Lotto 6aus49, Spiel 77, Super 6, EuroJackpot, GlücksSpirale, lotto clubs, Keno and the Deutsche Fernsehlotterie. After its foundation in 2010 and IPO in 2012 on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange (Prime Standard), Lotto24 is now the market leader. As a fast-growing company with a strong service and customer orientation, Lotto24 aims to provide its customers online as well as mobile with the most convenient, secure and modern game experience possible. CONTACT: Lotto24 AG, Vanina Hoffmann, Manager Investor & Public Relations,Tel.: +49 40 82 22 39 – 501, E-mail: ir@lotto24.de SOURCE: Lotto24 AG. Local Council Officials Critical of Treasury’s Decision to Delay Gambling Reform LONDON, U.K. (November 2, 2018) – Local government leaders have said the Government’s decision to delay implementing a planned reduction in the maximum stake on fixed-odds betting terminals is ‘extremely concerning,’ LocalGov.co.uk reported on its website today.
The Government agreed in May to reduce the maximum permitted stake on FOBTs from £100 to £2, acting on the recommendations of the Gambling Commission. This was expected to take place in April next year. However, the Treasury announced as part of the Autumn Budget that the implementation date would be delayed until October 2019 in order to help the gambling industry adjust to the change. The delay is also expected to boost the Treasury’s revenues by £1.15bn. Cllr Simon Blackburn, chair of the Local Government Association’s (LGA) Safer and Stronger Communities Board, criticised the decision. ‘Waiting more than a year for maximum stakes on fixed odds betting terminals to be reduced is too long and extremely concerning,’ he said. ‘We urge Government to move more quickly to keep its promise to cut maximum stakes from £100 to £2 which will help prevent vulnerable players from losing £100 in seconds in a single play, which many people cannot afford to lose.’ The LGA warned last July that the legislation might be delayed due to ‘unacceptable’ pressure from the betting shop industry. It is estimated that the lower stake will cost £1.15bn in reduced gaming duty over five years.
Cllr Blackburn said that the harm and anti-social behaviour FOBTs can cause has become an issue of ‘growing national concern’. ‘Research has shown that problem gambling, often linked to FOBTs, creates huge costs for the NHS, councils and the criminal justice system,’ he said. ‘The Government made the right decision to impose a £2 stake limit, but taking a year before implementing it only compounds the social and economic problems we know FOBTs cause.’ The junior minister for culture, media and sport, Tracey Crouch, has resigned her post in protest at the Treasury’s announcement. ‘From the time of the announcement to reduce stakes and its implementation over £1.6bn will be lost on these machines, a significant amount of which will be in our most deprived areas including my own constituency,’ she wrote in her resignation letter. ‘In addition, two people will tragically take their lives every day due to gambling related problems and for that reason as much as any other I believe this delay is unjustifiable.’ SOURCE: www.LocalGov.co.uk. ACMA Announce Offshore Gambling Sites Withdraw After Targeted Regulatory Action AUSTRALIA (November 1, 2018) -- Thirty-three prominent offshore wagering sites withdrew from Australian markets over 12 months, according to a report on the Interactive Gambling Act 2001 (IGA) by the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA). Reforms to the IGA, which came into effect on 13 September 2017, expanded the ACMA’s powers to take action against prohibited and unlicensed offshore gambling sites. ‘Over the past year, we’ve moved decisively to disrupt the provision of illegal offshore gambling to Australians,’ said ACMA Chair Nerida O’Loughlin.
The impact of the reforms indicate revenue to illegal offshore gambling websites is falling. Statistics from Global Betting and Gaming Consultants indicate that offshore gambling expenditure will fall by over 50 per cent between 2017 and 2018. ‘We’ve made it clear that Australia’s laws are unambiguous,’ said Ms O’Loughlin. ‘If you provide prohibited or unlicensed gambling services to customers in Australia, you are breaching Australian law and we will take enforcement action.’ Maximum penalties of nearly $8 million per day can apply to corporations. The report also outlines the targeted education, engagement and enforcement action taken by the ACMA to raise awareness of Australia’s laws and drive compliance following regulatory reforms. ‘We’ve received valuable support from overseas gambling regulators and third parties such as software providers and payment processors to change behaviour in the offshore gambling market,’ said Ms O’Loughlin. ‘We expect the combination of clearer laws, an active regulator and stronger enforcement measures to continue to disrupt the provision of illegal interactive gambling services to Australians,’ added Ms O’Loughlin. For more information or to arrange an interview, please CONTACT: the ACMA Media Manager (02) 9334 7838, 0438 375 776 or E: media@acma.gov.au. SOURCE: Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA). 35/2018 - 1 November. IWG Goes Live with British Columbia Lottery Corporation Canadian lottery integrates supplier’s portfolio onto its PlayNow.com portal LONDON, U.K. (October 29, 2018) -- IWG, the world leader in supplying online, instant win games, has partnered with the British Columbia Lottery Corporation (BCLC) to provide the lottery with its entire portfolio of online instant win games. Following an integration using IWG’s Progressive Play Remote Gaming Server (RGS), popular releases including the world-renowned Cash Buster series, Slingo and Monopoly are now live via web and mobile on the lottery’s PlayNow.com portal. As part of the agreement, IWG will also develop bespoke content for BCLC, as well as deliver new games on a regular basis. The partnership with BCLC highlights IWG’s growing presence within the North American lottery market, following similar launches with the Atlantic Lottery Corporation and Loto-Québec.
Rhydian Fisher, CEO at IWG, said: “Delivering our games to BCLC, one the most successful internet Lottery programs in North America, is an exciting move for us. “This latest partnership further strengthens our position as a leading supplier of instant win games to the lottery sector, with players across the territory able to enjoy our content.” Jason Lisiecki, Vice President of North America at IWG, said: “Through our RGS integration, BCLC players can now play our wide range of instant win games featuring a variety of themes, play styles and mechanics. Most excitingly, BCLC will have direct access to our new games as we continue to evolve and push our product offering. “At IWG, we’re committed to working alongside our lottery partners to deliver online revenue growth alongside their successful retail offering and help raise funds for good causes.” IWG has been a successful service provider and supplier of content to lotteries for over a decade, producing and delivering over 300 high quality instant win games on desktop and mobile, as well as offering valuable strategic and marketing support. About IWG IWG is a world leader in supplying online, instant win games to lotteries and commercial brands and platforms in the online gaming industry. It has over 15 years’ experience of making top selling, high quality instant win games and the strategic know how to make them work. IWG has launched over 300 games that perform consistently at the highest level, engaging and retaining players while driving excellent results for customers. It has the knowledge to deliver a winning portfolio of games, the experience to make it grow and the sales figures and data to back this knowledge up. IWG delivers an end-to-end solution covering all aspects of game development and portfolio management and a Remote Game Server (RGS) delivering content in multiple regulated jurisdictions from data centres in the UK, Gibraltar, Canada and North America. It has a broad library available via the RGS with games covering many proven themes and mechanics that can be developed into an ideal offering for a partner’s instant win portal. SOURCE: IWG press release. |
Bclc Keno Winning Nos