Wizard Card Game Rating: 3,8/5 794 votes

‎The official iPhone version of the card game Wizard. Meet the card game that's challenging, habit-forming and loads of fun! It's Wizard: a unique game with a 60 card deck! The rules are simple and easy to learn. Mastering the strategy is the real challenge. One card is dealt to each player on th. This app is an implementation of the Wizard card game developed by Ken Fisher of Wizard Cards International Inc., Toronto, Canada. You can play the single player offline against the AI or join in a. The Wizard Card Game is more fun than Hearts and more challenging than Rummy! The rules are simple, but mastering the strategy is the real challenge. Its the ultimate trump game, and a great deal of fun. More fun than Hearts and Rummy, award-winning Wizard is 'the Ultimate Game of Trump' the whole family can enjoy. The rules are easy to learn - the strategy adds an exciting challenge. In Wizard, players try to win the exact number of tricks they bid.

Wizard is a trick-takingcard game for three to six players designed by Ken Fisher of Toronto, Ontario in 1984. The game was first printed commercially in June 1986.

A Wizard deck consists of 60 cards: a regular set of 52 playing cards (replaced with custom symbols and colours in some editions), 4 Wizards and 4 Jesters. The Jesters have the lowest value, then the one up to thirteen, with Wizards highest in value. The game is licensed in Canada, the United States, the United Kingdom, Italy and Japan.


The objective of the game is to bid correctly on the number of tricks that a player will take in the subsequent round of play. Points are awarded for a correct bid and subtracted for an incorrect bid. The player with most points after all rounds have been played is the winner. The game is played in a number of rounds from 10 to 20, depending on the number of players and each round consists of three stages: Dealing, Bidding, and Playing.

In the first round every player gets one card. In the subsequent rounds the number of cards is increased by one until all cards are distributed. That means that three players play 20 rounds, four players 15 rounds, five players 12 rounds and six players 10 rounds. The top card of the remaining cards is turned over to determine the trump suit. If there are no cards left or a jester is turned, there is no trump suit, and only the wizards are trump. If a wizard is turned, the dealer picks a trump suit.

After looking at their cards, starting with the player to the dealer's left, each player states how many tricks he believes he will take, from zero to the number of cards dealt. This is recorded on a score pad.

The player to the left of the dealer plays a card, and then the others follow clockwise. If a card other than a wizard or jester is played, the players have to follow suit, but it is possible to play a jester or wizard although the player has the desired suit. The Wizard beats all other cards but the first one in a trick beats all others. The jester is beaten by all others, but if all cards in a trick are jesters the first one beats the others. If a jester is played as the first card the first suit card decides which suit has to be followed. If a wizard is played as the first card every player is free to play what they want regardless of the others. If the first card is a Jester and the second a Wizard, then the Wizard rule takes precedence and players are not required to follow suit.[1][2]

At the end of each round, each player is given a score based on his performance. For predicting the number of tricks taken correctly, a player receives 20 points plus 10 points for each trick taken. For predicting the number of tricks taken incorrectly, a player loses 10 points for each trick over or under.

Variant card sets[edit]

The German version of Wizard has a different design, with a fantasy-themed character on each card. Each character has a title such as der Krieger (the warrior) or die Priesterin (the priestess) printed at the top of the card. There are 2 male and 2 female versions of each character. The German decks contain four non-standard suits with values from 1 to 13, four Z cards labelled either der Zauberer (the sorcerer) or die Zauberin (the sorceress), and four N cards labelled der Narr or die Närrin (the fool). The German deck is distributed in the United States as 'Fantasy Wizard', with an English box and rules. The cards are identical to the German ones, including the German abbreviations for Zauberer/Zauberin and Narr/Närrin.

The Medieval deck of cards has a themed character on each card. The characters are: (2) Hermit, (3) Peasant, (4) Farmer, (5) Archer, (6) Blacksmith, (7) Merchant, (8) Bard, (9) Scholar, (10) Bishop, Knight, Queen, King, (Ace) Dragon. The cards are also color-coded: Hearts (Red), Spades (Black), Clubs (Green), Diamonds (Purple), Jesters (Brown), Wizards (Blue).

Tournament play[edit]

Regular tournaments are held online. World Championships began in 2010. Each nation is invited to send a maximum of two representatives to the annual event. World Championship locations have included:

  • 2010: Frankfurt, Germany. Champion Germany (Josef Sigi)
  • 2011: Budapest, Hungary. Champion Austria (Beate Punz)
  • 2012: Vienna, Austria. Champion Switzerland (Thomas Kessler)
  • 2013: Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Champion Germany (Christian Adolph)
  • 2014: Athens, Greece. Champion Hungary (Gergely Suba)
  • 2015: Prague, Czech Republic. Champion Austria (Hans Mostbock)
  • 2016: Budapest, Hungary. Champion Switzerland (Robert Laschkolnig)
  • 2017: Riga, Latvia. Champion Austria (Ignaz Punz)
  • 2018: Warsaw, Poland. Champion Greece (Vasilis Papadakis)
  • 2019: Antwerp, Belgium. Champion Greece (Spyros Keramas)
  • 2020: Barcelona, Spain. Cancelled due to the Covid19 pandemic.

First hand probabilities[edit]

Since there are no options for which card to play when a player is only holding one card, there is a statistically correct bid for any given card. This only truly applies if a player has the lead, and thus no information from other bids. Since a correct bid of 1 yields 30 points, and a correct bid of 0 only yields 20, a bid of 1 over time yields more points as long as the player has at least a 42.86% chance of winning the trick.

The known cards are only a player's own card and the turn up, so with 58 unknowns, the odds that a hand will win in a three player game are calculated by the odds that both of the other hands lose to that player. That is, (x/58)*((x-1)/57), x=# of cards the player can beat. The calculation is similar for more players. Solving for x to yield 0.4286 or greater gives the minimum number of cards a player needs to be ahead of to justify a bid of 1.

With the lead:

  • In a 3-person game, x=39, bid 1 with an offsuit Jack or stronger.
  • In a 4-person game, x=44, bid 1 with the 3 of trump or stronger, (4 of trump if the turn up is the 2 or 3).
  • In a 5-person game, x=49, bid 1 with the 9 of trump or better, (the 8 will do if the turn up is higher than the 8)
  • In a 6-person game, x=50, bid 1 with the 10 of trump or better (9 if turn-up is 10 or higher)
  • In the special case that a jester turns up and there is therefore no trump, and the player has the lead: always bid 1 in a 3 player game, With 4 - bid 1 on 3 or higher, with 5 - bid 1 with any 9 or higher, and with 6 players a 10 or higher.

See also[edit]


  1. ^'Wizard Card Game Community Forums FAQ'. Wizardcards.com. Retrieved 2016-08-06. If the lead of a Jester is immediately followed by a Wizard then the hand is played as if the Wizard was the lead card.
  2. ^'U.S. Games Systems, Inc Wizard FAQ'. Usgamesinc.com. Retrieved 2016-08-06.

Retrieved from 'https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Wizard_(card_game)&oldid=975588038'
Players: 3 to 6 Apprentices
Age: from 10 years
Time: approx. 45 minutes
Translated by Craig S. Berg, Sr.
Contents: 60 character cards, 1 Tablet of Truth, 1 Parchment of Rules

Once upon a time…
A long, long, time ago, when there was still the famous Magician Academy
in Stonehenge, the Apprentices had to learn this game for the training of their
magic abilities along with other exercises. It served to develop and
strengthen their gift of prediction. Over the years, a deeper understanding of
the game has been lost. An entertaining card game, which was often played
in hotels by workmen, farmers, and soldiers, is all that remains. Only after
the famous English archaeologist Dr. Henry Eitel dug deeply under the
standing stones of Stonehenge and discovered historical parchment scrolls in
old vaults did the true history of Wizard again come to light. The following
rules correspond with the wording of the age-old parchments. The
illustrations on the cards give the feeling for the old participants.
The Task
With this magic pack of cards the Apprentices must predict the exact number
of tricks they will win in each round. Experience Points are awarded for a
correct forecast. Whoever collected the most points at the end of the game
wins and with that success will ascend to the level of a wise Wizard.
The Preparation
One player is appointed the Confidant of the Apprentices. The Confidant
receives the Tablet of Truth, enters the names of the players, and
conscientiously keeps track of Experience Points awarded during the game.
Afterwards the Confidant shuffles the character cards and deals them out.
The Character Cards
There are four different colors: Humans (blue), Elves (green), Dwarves (red),
Giants (yellow)
The strongest card in each color is the “13”, the weakest card is the “1”.
The four Wizard cards (“Z”) are always Trump. They are higher than every
The four Fool cards (“N”) are never Trump. They are lower than every “1”.
Distributing the Cards
With “Wizard” the Apprentices receive a different number of cards in each
In the first round only one card is dealt to each player. Therefore, only one
trick can be won in this round.
In the second round two cards are dealt to each player. In this round there
are two tricks to win.
In the third round three cards are dealt to each player, then four cards in the
fourth round, etc. until in the last round all cards are dealt out to the players.
Cards that are not dealt to the players form a face down deck in the middle of
the table. For each round the role of the dealer passes clockwise to the next
Apprentice to the left.

Wizard Card Game Played At Hogwarts

After the cards are dealt out, the top card of the deck is turned face up. This
card determines the Trump color for the current round.
If the card is a Fool, then there is no Trump in the current round.
If the card is a Wizard, then the dealer determines Trump. He may
examine his cards first.
The last round has no Trump, since there are no cards left.
The Predictions
After each Apprentice looks at his cards, he must predict how many tricks he
will take in this round. Each Apprentice in sequence tells their predictions to
the Confidant. This starts with the player to the left of the dealer. These bids
are noted on the Tablet of Truth.
Before the first trick the Confidant should repeat the predictions for
everyone. Sometimes it can be helpful to lay out the bids in the form of
chips before each respective Apprentice. That way it is easy to see during
the course of the round who still needs tricks and who does not want any
The Battle for the Trick
The player to the left of the dealer plays the first card for the first trick. The
other Apprentices follow in a clockwise direction. The led color must be
followed. If that is not possible, an Apprentice can throw off any color or
play Trump.
Wizard and Fool cards may always be played, even if a player could follow
the led color. Also a player does not have to play them when he cannot
follow a led color.
The highest card wins the trick (the Wizard cards are higher than all other
cards, even the Trump cards). The winner opens the next trick. Exception:
in the first round only one trick is played.
Who wins the trick:
• The first Wizard card played in the trick
• Or the highest card in the Trump color
• Or the highest card in the led color
Special Rights of the Wizards and Fools
When a trick is opened with a Wizard, then the following Apprentices may
throw off any cards, including further Wizards and Fools.
The trick goes to the first Wizard played.
Wizards are Trump, however, they need not be played when the first card of
a trick is an actual Trump color card.
If a trick is opened with a Fool then any card may be played as the second
card. Then second card’s color determines the color that must be followed.
Fools lose every trick.
With one exception: In a trick that only Fools are played, the then first Fool
card wins the trick. This is possible only with three or four players.
The Assignment of the Experience Points
The Apprentice who predicted the number of tricks won exactly receives 20
Experience Points plus 10 points per trick won. Anyone that missed their bid
loses 10 Experience Points for each trick over or under their prediction.
First Round
Thomas predicted that he would not take a trick. He was right and receives
20 points. Ute wanted the trick, but did not get it. He loses 10 points. Kevin
predicted that he would take the trick, he was right and receives, with the
trick, 30 points.
Second Round
Thomas predicted both tricks for himself, however, he got only one. Result:
he loses 10 points. Ute wanted no tricks and was right. He receives 20
points. Kevin predicted no tricks likewise for himself. However, he got one
and therefore loses 10 points. The points are noted and added to the points
from the previous rounds.
The End
There are 60 character cards in the game. The Apprentices play until, in the
last round, all cards are dealt out. With 6 players that is 10 rounds, with 5
players 12, with 4 players 15, and with 3 players that is 20 rounds. The last
round is still scored. The Apprentice with the highest Experience score wins.
Plus/Minus One: As before the predictions are passed on openly to the
Wizard card games online, freeConfidant. The number of intended tricks for all Apprentices, however, may
not correspond with the number of the possible tricks. For example, in round
5 the Apprentices must want altogether more than 5 tricks or fewer than 5
Covered Bids: All Apprentices first secretly write their predictions on a
note. When everyone has bid, the numbers are passed openly to the
Confidant. Thus each Apprentice remains completely uninfluenced by the

Wizard Card Game Target

bids of his competitors.

Wizard Card Game Strategy

Secret Prediction: All Apprentices secretly write their predictions on a note.
After the round is over the bids are revealed.
Clairvoyance: In the first round each Apprentice holds his card unseen
before his forehead, so that all Apprentices can see the card except him.
After all Apprentices see the cards of the other Apprentices, they make their
predictions. The battle for the trick, assignment of Experience Points as well
as the further rounds play according to the normal rules.

Wizard Card Game