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Online betting with the latest odds at Borgata. Live betting on all the popular sports such as Baseball, Football, Basketball, and Golf, Ice Hockey and Tennis. How do I contact Support? Our support team is always on hand to help out if and when you need us. You can create a ticket, or view our articles 24/7. Agents are also available 24/7. Just click the link below for more information. Please Note: Due to issues surrounding the Coronavirus (COVID-19) we are currently unable to provide phone support.
- Ace Per Headhas had the best customer service in the industry the last 2 years running. The main reason behind that is because they have American English speaking customer service representatives. Most books in the world have workers that speak English, but as their second language, whereas Ace has representatives that were born and raised in America. This makes it much easier for agents to communicate with the pay per head site, and less chances of mistakes do to misunderstandings.
- Ace Per Head has the sharpest lines in the industry. They are only 1 of 15 books that have their lines posted on, which is one of the top lines providers in the world. In addition the industry weekly average hold percentage is 5%; however Ace is running at a whopping 13% weekly average hold percentage. (In layman’s terms, players are losing more money at Ace, because their lines are razor sharp.) Ace also constantly monitors all agent’s players for possible sharp, non-recreational, or suspicious activity.
- The websites that Ace Per Head offers never experience down time. They have multiple server locations around the world, which helps them to ensure multiple redundancy in their network and maximize protection so their sites does not experience any down time. This advantageously compares to other books that do not spend as much money and time on server protection, which leads to other books experiencing website interruptions multiple times a year and often during important wagering times such as noon on Sunday during the NFL season.
From time to time throughout your online sports betting journey, you’re going to need help. Maybe you’re having trouble getting a particular feature to work, or you’re interested in taking advantage of a promotion you don’t quite understand? Or maybe it’s something more serious like account security issues or technical glitches that are causing you problems?
Whatever the case may be, you’re going to want to get help as quickly and effectively as possible. When something is wrong, or you’re looking for important information, you don’t want to be sitting around for days waiting on a response. You also don’t want to get a response that doesn’t really help solve your problem or answer your question.
In the early days of online sportsbooks, the customer service quality and number of options were weak. Thankfully, over the years, the sportsbooks got with the program, and now many of the top sites have robust and effective customer service teams. Not only have we seen an increase in the quality of the help you receive, but we’ve also seen an increase in the number of options available. It used to be an “email-only” world, but now you’ll see things like phone support, live chat, and even social media help.
In this guide, we want to walk you through a few things that we feel are important to help you get the help you need when you’re having an issue with an online sportsbook. We’re going to talk about where you can generally find the customer service options, the most common types of service that are available (and what you need to know about them), and finally, some tips to help you get the most out of your customer service experience.
Where to Find Customer Support
As every sportsbook is laid out a little differently, it can be tough to give you blanket advice about where you can go to access their customer service options. Ideally, they’d be easy for you to find, but sometimes they just seem to be hidden enough that we struggle to locate them. That all being said, there are still some fairly common places that an online sportsbook puts the links to access their customer support. Below are some places to look and ways to go about finding the customer support for an online sportsbook.
Use Google
The easiest way to locate the customer support team for an online sportsbook is to use Google. All you need to do is type in the name of the site, and then something like “contact” or “help” or “support,” and the link you’re looking for will most likely be one of the top options.
For example, we tested this with (even though their customer service is awesome and really easy to find). We Googled “ support,” and at the top of the page, this is what you see.
It’s that easy. Without even having to click on a link, you see their phone numbers and support emails. Google is your friend when you can’t find something online.
Check the Website Footer
If you don’t want to use Google for some reason, you can always look in the footer of a website, and you’ll usually find their support options. For those that aren’t familiar with the term “footer,” it’s the area at the bottom of a webpage that is usually the same no matter which page you are on. It will usually contain links to most everything that you need on the site.
Let’s take a look at’s footer to show you what we mean. Here we’ve highlighted their support section in green.
Hollywood Sportsbook Contact Details
As you can see, they even have a dedicated section of the footer for customer support. Here, you can get to their main help hub page, their live chat help, and their contact methods page.
Additional Options
Typically, an online sportsbook is going to have a lot of different places that you can access customer support. Sometimes this could be a link in the top-right corner of the website, a tab that follows you around on the right side or bottom of the screen that says “Live Chat,” or it could be a link from the site’s banking page. Online sportsbooks are notorious for having their help links easiest to find on the banking pages.
With one of these above options, you should be able to access the support options offered by a site.
The Most Common Methods of Help
Finding the customer support options is only the first step of the battle. The next step is figuring out which option is going to be best for you. Usually, you’ll have at least a couple of alternatives, if not a bunch. If you only have one choice, well, it looks like that’s the one you’ll be using! But if the sportsbook gives you several options, you’ll need to pick which one is the best for you.
Overall, if you’re able to communicate with a live person, you’re going to have quicker and better results. That way, if there is a misunderstanding of your question, you can correct it right away and continue on to get the information you’re looking for. If there is a misunderstanding with, say, an email, you’ll have to wait to get your response back to see the issue. Then, you’ll have to correct it, send in another email, and wait again for that one to be responded to.
Additionally, personal preference and time constraints may come into play. If you’re pressed for time and just want to know the issue is being taken care of, you might want to opt for the non-live options like an email or a contact form. While these are not the quickest options, they require the least amount of input from you. You don’t have to wait for an agent, explain the situation to them, and hang out online or on the phone while they try and fix it. You can rocket off a quick email and then check back later when you have more time.
Also, some people like to keep a paper trail record of all of their correspondence. If you’re using phone support, this isn’t going to be possible. But if you use email or a live chat function, you’ll have a paper trail of everything that is said and promised to you. This all depends on what you’re trying to get help with.
Let’s take a quick look at the most common means of customer service offered at online sportsbooks.
Contact Form
The earliest form of customer support that sportsbooks offered was the contact form. It’s a blank form hosted on the company’s website where you fill out your basic contact information, and then you put in your request. When the company responds to your issue, they will email you back, and then correspondence will take over there.
This is usually the quickest way (at least for you) to get your request out the door. It’s not the quickest for getting an answer or your issues resolved, but it requires the smallest time commitment from you. If you have documents that you need to attach to a request, you might not be able to do that through a contact form. You may have to use a different method (email) or use the contact form to figure out how they want you to submit any documents you’d like for them to see. The better sites that have contact forms usually will allow you to upload files as well in certain formats.
One of the best ways to contact an online sportsbook if you aren’t looking to use a live option is through email. Email allows you to state your whole case and attach supporting documents (if necessary) very quickly. Additionally, it gives you a timestamp track record of when you contacted the site. This is important if it’s a serious matter that you’re dealing with. You don’t get that with a contact form unless the site sends you an automatic email that says they have received your request.
If you’re not looking to chat with someone and if having a paper trail is important, we would recommend using email support over a contact form if the option is available.
Live Chat
One of the easiest ways to get things taken care of is through the live chat function (if available). This is usually a little chat window that you can open on the bottom of the screen that will connect you with an agent to help solve your problems or answer your question. This is a great option because you’re able to fix any misunderstandings or answer any questions they have for you in real time.
With email, every question they have to ask you is another email back and forth. For each one you send, you usually have to wait another couple of hours or a day for a response. With live chat, though, you eliminate this wait time.
Also, most live chat support functions give you the ability to email yourself a copy of the chat transcript. This is great if you’re looking for a paper trail of what you and the sportsbook discussed.
Probably the most effective option you’ll get at some online sportsbooks is phone support. When you can call someone up and talk to them, you’re going to get the best service possible. Additionally, if the sportsbook is giving you the runaround, it’s really hard to do over the phone.
In our experience, if you have serious matters that just aren’t getting handled, the phone is a great way to go. Keep in mind, though, that there won’t be a track record of your discussion like there is with live chat or email. You can keep a journal log of who you talk to, when the call is, and what is discussed if it is important.
Probably 99% of the time you’re contacting them, it won’t be something that requires a long track record of the discussion. If you’re calling and asking them for details on a promotion, you aren’t going to ever have to prove that at all. But if you’re dealing with something more serious like a lost or delayed cash-out, you may want some sort of record of your conversations in case you need to elevate things to the next level.
Social Media
A new trend we see in the world of online sportsbooks is social media support options. Many sites will let you tweet your questions to them or contact their team via Facebook. This method is ideal for simple questions like the details of a promotion or where to find something on the site. For more serious inquiries, though, or things that involve your personal account, we would not recommend utilizing this option.
Tips for Getting the Most out of Customer Service
While we wish that every sportsbook had the best customer service under the sun, it’s just not the case. Even some pretty awesome sportsbooks struggle a little bit in the customer service department. Just because they aren’t completely on top of things, though, does not mean that your experience should suffer. You should still be able to get everything you want and need.
We put together a few tips to help you get the most out of your customer service experience.
Escalate the Issue If You’re Not Getting Adequate Help
Typically, the first person you’re going to talk to when you reach out for help is one of their lower-level customer service representatives. At some sportsbooks, this person is awesome. They’re intelligent, speak great English, and have the means and tools to get your issue resolved. But not every site is like this.
Some sites clearly take the “budget” route when it comes to their lower-level customer service representatives. Sadly, you get what you pay for. These representatives may have issues with a language barrier and might not be trained properly or equipped to get your issue resolved.
When you run into this problem, you may need to escalate your issue to someone who can actually help you. If you’re having trouble with the agent, ask to speak with a manager. Sometimes they will tell you this isn’t possible, but don’t take no for an answer. Kindly let them know that they are not adequately helping you resolve your issue and that you would like to speak to someone else higher up about it.

Hang Up and Get a New Agent
Another option that you could try prior to escalating your issue is working with a different agent. How do you do this? Simple. Just hang up the phone or close out the chat and reopen it. Probably nine times out of ten, you’re going to get a different customer service agent who may be of better help.
We’ve had a lot of experiences where there was a big difference between how helpful each different agent was. The first we talked to was pretty much worthless, and the next one was basically Superman. If you’re really struggling with the agent you are working with, say goodbye and reopen the chat or call back and hope to get someone else. If you get the same person, then you should look to escalate the issue up the chain.
The Squeaky Wheel Gets the Grease
If you’re having a problem with an online sportsbook, the chances that others are having the same issue are high. Typically, online sportsbooks will handle the problems in the order that they come in. Except we’ve found a little way around this to get to the front of the line. It doesn’t always work, but it works a lot.

Be persistent. Be the person who contacts them the most and is continually checking up on your issue. Don’t take no for an answer. We are not saying to be mean or rude because that is not going to get you anywhere. There’s a difference between mean and persistent. Persistence means you’re checking in with them daily to see the status of your issue. You can do this while still being polite. Remember, the agents are people, too, and from a purely selfish standpoint, you aren’t going to get your issue handled quickly if the agent hates you.
Be Firm When You Need To

Sometimes it does become necessary to let the sportsbook know that you mean business. Again, this can still be done respectfully. If you don’t feel like they are taking you seriously or if they aren’t getting your issue solved, you need to let them know that it’s unacceptable.
What does this entail? Well, it depends on a lot of different factors, mainly how serious the issue is. If they are messing with your money and are clearly in the wrong, then you may need to seriously escalate things. This might be threatening to take the issue to the regulatory board that oversees their site. Do keep in mind that once you play this card, though, it may be a rough road dealing with the site directly. But if the issue is that serious, this might be a road you take.
If your cash-out is a couple days late, this would be heavily overreacting. If your cash-out is two months late or if they’re refusing to pay you altogether, then this might be the course you need to take. For most issues, though, just being stern and letting them know you aren’t going away should be sufficient. We just wanted to be clear that we weren’t telling you not to get on their case when it’s necessary.
The key is doing everything in escalating steps. First, you give them a chance to fix things. If they don’t, you remind them how important it is to you and give them another chance to fix it. If the issue is still not fixed, you try escalating it to a higher-up within the company. If that still does not get it done, then you start looking into things like bringing the issue public in gaming forums or even contacting the regulatory board.
Just make sure that you don’t go 0 to 100 when it’s not necessary. You’ll end up having the reverse effect of what you’re trying to get accomplished. Remember, this isn’t about ego. It’s about getting done what you need.
Keep Good Records
This tip is as much about protecting yourself as it is about getting the best help you can from a sportsbook customer service agent. If you’re trying to get something accomplished, and you don’t have your ducks in a row, it’s going to be hard to get the help you’re looking for from the sportsbook. It will also be hard to press them if you don’t have the documentation that you need to back up your claims.
For example, let’s say you’re having an issue with a delayed cash-out. Which of the next two responses do you think is going to get the best help and be taken the most seriously?
Response #1
“Hey, yeah. My cash-out is late. I requested it a while ago, and it’s supposed to be here, and it’s not. I need you to help me get this fixed.”
Response #2
“Hi, I am having issues with a cash-out I requested on 9/24/18 at 7 am. It’s been 13 days since I requested the cash-out, and I was told by John G. in customer service that the cash-out would take a maximum of 4 business days. That means I should have received my money on 9/15/18. I contacted support on 9/16/18 and spoke with Angelo P. who told me that there was a delay and that I should have my money by 9/23/18. It is now 9/24/18, and I do not have my cash-out. I have documentation of all of this if you need it. Can you please look into this now for me and help get the situation fixed?”
I can guarantee you that response #2 is going to get a lot more help from customer service.
If you want to get better help, have your records in good order. This also is going to protect you if the sportsbook claims that what you’re saying isn’t correct. What if they claim you didn’t put your cash-out in that early? Or what if they claim you never talked to customer support and brought the issue to their attention?
Well, if you don’t have any documentation, it’s going to be your word against theirs. (This wouldn’t be an issue at a reputable sportsbook, but you should still keep records just in case.) But if you’re able to produce emails, screenshots, and chat transcripts with times and dates on them, it’s going to be really tough for them to claim anything different.
Betfair Sportsbook Contact Number
In Conclusion
In a perfect world, you’ll never need to contact a sportsbook’s customer support team. Everything will go as planned, and you’ll never have any issues or problems that you need help with. But in reality, you’re going to have things you need assistance with from time to time. Even with the best-run and most well-equipped online sportsbook (or any type of company), you’re occasionally going to run into times where you need a helping hand.
South Point Sportsbook Contact Number
Hopefully, this guide has given you the tools and information to get the help you need. Feel free to check back if you ever are having some trouble getting help from a site.
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