Spiritual Dream Catcher Rating: 4,6/5 1910 votes

Dream Catchers

Not many know in depth about the beautiful, mystical and intriguing world of dream catchers. These pretty little hangings have more to them then just enhancing the aesthetic beauty of your house. They are associated with an interesting legend. People say that good dreams surely come along if you hang a dream catcher above your bed before sleeping. While there is no scientific proof regarding dream catchers, many of us love to believe in them. The mere thought of catching beautiful dreams for your loved ones fills one with tenderness. Many mothers sing sweet lullabys and hang pretty little dream catchers above their children’s cradles to ensure a good night’s sleep with sweet dreams.

Dream catchers are often hanged to keep little children from having nightmares. It is also believed that dream catchers are intended to slowly dry out and come apart as your child grows older. According to the belief, it is said that the air is filled with all kinds of dreams. These dreams are either good or bad. There are different types of dream catchers. Every dream catcher has a hole in its center. The bad dreams get caught in the web in the center while the good dreams flow down the feathers to the person on which it is hanged. There are many theories for dream catchers. One theory says that good dreams get filtered through the net in the center. Yet another theory explains that the good dreams get caught in the center while the bad ones flow away from the central hole.
Whatever the theory, one thing is sure about dream catchers; they surely do no harm. The very idea of preventing nightmares is quite compelling. They are also very beautiful and that is why they have become very popular.
Throughout time, dreams have had a high importance for people. Our nightly visits to another world are peculiar, often unexplained, pleasant at times and really scary at times. Whether these dreams actually happen in reality or not, we do get some satisfaction hanging a dream catcher above our beds before sleeping.

Spiritual Dream Catcher. First Nation oji-cree messenger of the spirit world. Spiritual medium. It is not difficult to buy a dream catcher amulet – it is sold in shops of esoteric goods. Another way is to make houses yourself. What is a dream catcher: the meaning of the amulet and the story of the appearance. People became actively interested in dream catchers in the second half of the twentieth century (60 – 70 years). The dream catcher is a well-known phenomenon in the spiritual world and should help us on our way in life, according to many a medium. But that is relatively general and requires a little more explanation to apply the use of dreamer catching if you already need it. The patterns of the dream catcher are similar to the webbing these Native Americans also used for making snowshoes. A mystical and maternal Spider Woman served as the spiritual protector for. The willow is a spiritual wood used by druids for vision, a flow of magic and the release of emotions. The dream catcher filters our dreams, catching the bad negative ones in its web and allowing the pleasant positive ones to enter through the dream catchers center gently passing the dream down the feathers to the owner who lies beneath.

Dream Catchers Origin

We have all seen dream catchers hanging from a porch or a tree or even in a souvenir shop, but have we ever wondered about is origin and history?

Dream catchers were originally created by the American Indians. But some believe that they have originated from the Ojibwa Chippewa tribe. According to some researchers, dreamcatchers were passed on from the Ojibwe through trade and intermarriage. In the Ojibwe language, ‘dreamcatcher’ means ‘spider’. This spider could refer to the web which is woven over the hoop. The web patterns of a dreamcatcher is similar to snowshoes made by the Ojibwe people. Even Lakota nations along with the Ojibwe and Native American tribes, have shown the existence of dream catchers in their cultures. Spider as a symbolism of comfort was first used by these people contradictory to what the world believes them to be: creepy crawlers.

According to a famous story from the Ojibwe tribe, it was believed that a mysterious ‘Spider Woman’ acted as the spiritual protector of their tribe, especially for the young children and new born babies. As the tribe grew and flourished, the woman found it difficult to protect and watch over all the members. She then created the dreamcatcher following which, many mothers and grandmothers recreated the hanging to mystically protect their own children.

Today they come in a many different colors and types. A typical dream catcher is made of a small wooden hoop in the centre covered in a web or net made of natural fibers and some meaningful and symbolic items like beads, feathers and shells are attached to the bottom of the hoop.

Symbolism and Purpose of Dream Catchers

Whatever theories or versions of the dreamcatchers we come across from history, the underlying symbolism and purpose remains the same. Dreamcatchers have a protective purpose. They direct good dreams and deflect bad dreams from the person.

There are various patterns and designs made in dreamcatchers and all have different meaning. Dreamcatchers also come in different colors, all with a different meaning. Traditional dreamcatchers were made with eight points where the web is attached to the hoop. These eight points are regarded as the eight legs of a spider. The spider symbolizes learning, wisdom and energy.

Native Americans believed dreamcatchers to be much more than catching good dreams. They also believed them to be totems representing good energy. According to them, dreamcatchers help to neutralize bad energy.

Types and Colors of Dream Catchers

Dream catchers come in many different types and colors. The various attachments on the web of the dreamcatcher also symbolize different things. According to the Native Americans, the beads in a dream catcher symbolize the spider. Spider is a web weaver. According to another theory, the beads symbolize good dreams which cannot pass through the web and remain immortalized as sacred charms.


Real and authentic dream catchers are hard to find. Today these handmade crafts come in varied colors and types and have become objects of decor. The authentic ones were very small in size and had sacred charms like feathers and beads.

Whatever be their type and color, they sure are adorable and when only goodness reflects from these pretty hangings, then why not hang one above your head!

Sweet Dreams!

Ritual is important because it triggers your subconscious mind into action. In this way the dream catcher becomes an extension of yourself and does what you want it to do.

Spiritual Dream Catcher Meaning

Before hanging your dream catcher, go through your house and thoughtfully decide in what room you wish to hang your dream catcher. Think about it.
Spiritual Dream Catcher
  • Do you want it by a window where it will catch rays of light?
  • Do you want it over a television set where it may act as a filtering system catching any negative vibrations that can steal in and rob your family of peace and calm, allowing only what is worthy of being remembered to pass through?
  • Do you want it over your baby's crib so that while the innocent one sleeps its mind will be blessed with joy and peace?

Spiritual Dream Catcher

The next step is to clear the room of negativity and create a sacred space by smudging. If you are uncomfortable with smudging, do what feels comfortable to you. The idea is to clear out negativity and set an intention that this is a sacred, magical, or special object that you are welcoming into your home.
After you clear the space, hang the dream catcher and then say a thank you or a prayer to the six directions.

Spiritual Meaning Dream Catchers

  1. To the Creator, the Never-Ending force that is all, I thank you. (speak directly to Creator Spirit within you)
  2. To Mother Earth, the place of nurturing and hope, I thank you. (speak directly to the earth below your feet).
  3. To the Spirit of the North, the place of winter and intuitive understanding, of healing, and the place of beginnings and endings, I thank you. (speak facing the direction of North)
  4. Spirit of the East, where the sun rises, the place of new beginnings and the promise of Spring, I think you. (speak facing the direction of East)
  5. Spirit of the South, place of Summer and rapid growth, the place of our heart and emotions, and the place where we learn survival, and develop a trust in life, I think you. (speak facing the direction of South)
  6. Spirit of the West, where the sun sets and we find healing and self knowledge that gives us the power to use our head and our hearts to serve and to teach, I thank you. (speak facing the direction of West)

Pandora Spiritual Dream Catcher

As you do this ritual, allow yourself to become aware of the higher power of the Universe called by many names: Great Spirit, Heavenly Father, God, Wakan-Tanka, Jehovah, Allah, The Ascendant, All That Is, and allow yourself to feel the presence of the Power within you.
At this point, face the dream catcher , and speak out loud to it and tell the dream catcher what you want it to do. Speak to the object as a friend, for it is your friend, an aspect of yourself.
Close by thanking it it for the goodness it will perform.